From the course: Managing Team Conflict

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Deciding whether to get involved

Deciding whether to get involved

From the course: Managing Team Conflict

Deciding whether to get involved

- It can be tempting to step in right away when a conflict erupts on your team. After all, you're the manager and it's your responsibility to make sure everyone can do their job and remove obstacles along the way. But what's your role when it comes to team conflicts? Should you get involved or leave people to solve their own problems? Intervening isn't always the right solution, at least, not right away. So let's talk through some of the pros and cons of intervening in a team conflict, so that you have a list of things to consider before stepping in. It's very helpful to be aware of the team dynamics and sense when tensions are coming up. I encourage you to ask yourself a few questions. First, "Is the conflict unhealthy or destructive in any way "and is someone being personally harmed by the conflict?" If the answer is yes, you definitely want to step in and the sooner, the better. Letting unproductive conflicts fester…
