From the course: Managing Team Conflict

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Common sources of team conflict

Common sources of team conflict

From the course: Managing Team Conflict

Common sources of team conflict

- I'll be honest. When a conflict comes up on a team I'm working with, my first instinct is to try to smooth things over. After all, it feels better when everyone gets along, right? Instead of giving into that temptation to make everything better, as a manager, you want to be curious about what's going on. Knowing what you're dealing with makes it far easier to address it, so you want to understand what kind of conflict your team is having and how misunderstandings, miscommunications, and cultural differences might play a role. First, let's talk about the four types of conflicts. The first and most common type is task. It's a disagreement over what we're trying to achieve. Take this example. Leaders at a tech company agree that one of their best performing products needs a new feature, but they can't agree on how to measure its success. Marketing wants to expand the company's market share. Finance is focused on…
