From the course: Managing Team Conflict

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Avoiding unnecessary conflict

Avoiding unnecessary conflict

From the course: Managing Team Conflict

Avoiding unnecessary conflict

- Okay, we know that not all conflict is bad and that some disagreements can be healthy and productive, but that doesn't mean that we want to have conflicts happening all the time. After all, it takes time, energy, and cognitive resources from you and the team to resolve disagreements when they come up. So you want to avoid any unnecessary conflicts, especially those that are unhealthy or even destructive. Let's review what a healthy team conflict looks like. These are the conflicts and disagreements that help a team move toward achieving their shared goals. So ask yourself a few questions to identify whether the conflict is indeed healthy. Is this conflict helping the team explore different perspectives to ultimately make better decisions? Is it helping the team move toward their goals? Is it helping to build productive work relationships that enhance trust? In general, when the answers are yes, you have conflict that's…
