From the course: Managing Team Conflict

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A four-step tool to coaching conflict: Part 2

A four-step tool to coaching conflict: Part 2

From the course: Managing Team Conflict

A four-step tool to coaching conflict: Part 2

- So we've seen Robin use steps one and two to coach Selma and Gabriel through their conflict. We'll now dive into steps three and four to help team members state their goals, and decide on the best course of action to resolve the conflict. Let's get into the third step. Have your team members articulate their goal. Ask them to reflect on what they ultimately hope to achieve. Do they want to complete the project more quickly? Does their relationship with this person matter more than the outcome of the work? They may want all of these things, but invite them to think about their primary goal, and look for overlap with their counterparts objective as well. Let's observe now how Robin invites her team to reflect and state their goals. - So what do you hope to achieve from this situation? I mean, what is your ultimate goal here? - I mean, ultimately, I want to keep the same release date so we can have a successful launch.…
