From the course: Managing Team Conflict

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A four-step tool to coaching conflict: Part 1

A four-step tool to coaching conflict: Part 1

From the course: Managing Team Conflict

A four-step tool to coaching conflict: Part 1

- I don't know about you, but no one ever sat me down and said, "Here's how you have a productive disagreement." You have to assume the same goes for your team members. Encouraging them to solve their own conflicts isn't a matter of stepping back and seeing what happens. You want to support and coach them along the way. I'm going to share a four-step coaching tool you can use to help individual team members approach a conflict they're having in a proactive way. You can use this tool if one party in the conflict comes to you or individually with everyone involved, and you can make use of it yourself if you're involved in a disagreement as well. We'll walk through steps one and two in this video and get into steps three and four in the next. So the first step is to encourage those involved to see other perspectives. When we're deep in a disagreement, we can get naturally narcissistic, focusing on ourselves and what we stand to…
