From the course: Managing Office Politics

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Develop social capital

Develop social capital

- You can't succeed in office politics if you only know people in one department or only a certain kind of person, you need to have broad networks to accrue social capital. Here are some tips on how to do this. Social capital is a term from social science and it basically means influence that you've accrued in your social networks through building up trust and reciprocity. For instance, helping your boss stay late at the office finishing up a project, builds up your social capital with him. This is obviously important when it comes to office politics because the more social capital you have in the bank, the more likely you are to get help when you need it. Whether it's lobbying for a project you care about or winning a promotion. In his book, "Bowling Alone" the Sociologist, Robert Putnam, famously talked about bonding capital and bridging capital, in order to be truly successful, you need to have both. Let's start…
