From the course: Managing New Managers

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Three ways new managers can communicate effectively

Three ways new managers can communicate effectively

From the course: Managing New Managers

Three ways new managers can communicate effectively

- For new leaders to be successful, they need consistent communication, not just passing along a few facts here and there without context or bearing them under mountains of emails and reports with no indication of what's relevant. Needs to be the right information at the right time. From the very beginning, new leaders need to understand the real value of communication to make it or break at leadership skill. Here are three ways you can help new leaders develop a successful pattern of communication. First, develop guidelines for their communication with you. What information do you want them to report back to you? Sales numbers, expenses, market share, even team morale, whatever it is, be clear about which updates you want and how often, and in what format. Do you want to schedule one-on-one sessions, a monthly online recap, define those parameters for the very beginning. You'll also want to specify how new leaders can…
