From the course: Managing New Managers

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Three common challenges for new managers

Three common challenges for new managers

From the course: Managing New Managers

Three common challenges for new managers

- Professional development is crucial for an organization to succeed but it's probably not optimal to send Daryl from accounting to a conference on social media or to ask Kathy in customer service to take an online course in financial projections. One size fits all doesn't work for managing new leaders. They're all different. They have different strengths and weaknesses. So their development needs won't be the same. A customized approach will be much more effective. So how can you do that? New leaders face a certain set of common challenges. Understand what they are and invest the time to determine which of those challenges will pose the greatest risk for those you manage. By identifying the obstacles that could hold them back, you can proactively help your new leaders to overcome them. First, they often struggle to balance and prioritize their workloads. They're tempted to do everything they did before they were new leaders…
