From the course: Managing New Managers

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Provide coaching and development for new managers

Provide coaching and development for new managers

From the course: Managing New Managers

Provide coaching and development for new managers

- Even new managers who appear to transition seamlessly need an outside perspective to continue their evolution. You've helped them to get traction in their new positions, but ongoing support will be crucial for their growth and effectiveness. As a manager, it's your responsibility to identify and correct any problems and to leverage the strengths of your new leaders to maximize their impact. How can you make that happen? The primary thing is to position yourself as a coach when you manage your new leaders. They already have a track record of success, so your goal is to help them build on that. Be respectful, coach rather than criticize, influence rather than inform, develop rather than direct. As you coach your new leaders, here are three things you can do to provide meaningful support. First, observe their leadership skills in action. Watch how they interact with their teams, with their peers, with senior…
