From the course: Managing New Managers

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Create a new manager success strategy

Create a new manager success strategy

From the course: Managing New Managers

Create a new manager success strategy

- Our world moves at a dizzying pace and we expect products to adjust to our needs. That might explain why researchers are currently developing new smart glasses with liquid lenses. They'll automatically adjust their focus based on whether we're reading, working or driving. We can skip the bifocals and still have perfect vision. Instant adjustment is a big advantage. Yes, it may take a bit longer to help individual contributors adjust to becoming new leaders, but if you guide them carefully through the process with clear vision, it can happen at a much faster pace. In the early days of your new leader's tenure, schedule one-on-one meetings to discuss detailed transition strategies. You'll want to set the expectations and describe your standards for success. Now I'm going to share with you five topics you can use as part of your strategy discussions with your new leaders. Tactics to speed up their adjustment process.…
