From the course: Managing Introverts

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Redesign team culture to be inclusive for introverts

Redesign team culture to be inclusive for introverts

From the course: Managing Introverts

Redesign team culture to be inclusive for introverts

- I recently attended a management training where the company president said that fun dress up days, publicly posted goals, and team outings were all mandatory and that everyone must participate in the fun. This strikes me as a classically extroverted mindset, whereas more introverted team members might prefer to do more quiet team building or team building oriented around reflection, deep conversation, and smaller group interactions. They might not feel comfortable posting their goals on their office walls for all to see. Be mindful when you're thinking about not just how you welcome new team members to your team or organization, but how you connect and bond in an ongoing way. If you have a planning committee for upcoming group events, look to include the inputs of introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts. Team building doesn't have to make half your team cringe if they find themselves on the more introverted side of the…
