From the course: Management Tips

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Working with difficult bosses

Working with difficult bosses

From the course: Management Tips

Working with difficult bosses

For better or for worse. We all have to work with people we don't always like. Sometimes they're your boss. There are many types of difficult bosses. Some like to scream and yell. Others are overly critical and negative when considering the work of others. Even though they can't stand to be critiqued themselves. In general this all reflects an unprofessional and clearly negative disposition that causes you unneeded stress. No one enjoys this situation, but what do you do about it? The quick answer is that you never openly agree with their unprofessional behavior. Whether it's directed at you or someone else. Also never mirror back to them the same behaviors. That only inflames the situation and puts you on their level. When confronted with negative behaviors from a difficult boss, your basic choices are either a thoughtful measured response or providing no response at all. Which one makes sense depends on your status their status and your long-term need to work together. First think…
