From the course: Management Tips

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When you hire the wrong person

When you hire the wrong person

From the course: Management Tips

When you hire the wrong person

- Hiring sounds pretty easy, but it's not. Sometimes even very thoughtful approaches land the wrong new hire. I'm specifically referring to a person who clearly does not have the required skills, or who does not adequately fit in with the team, or both. How could this happen? There are actually many reasons, but that's not our focus right now. Instead, let's think about what to do once you become aware that you may have hired the wrong person. The typical response unfortunately, is to treat the issue just like we often treat other mistakes, we ignore it, we act like it's not happening. We choose to believe the situation will correct itself. For some people, all of this is easier than admitting you might be at fault and that there's a difficult situation that needs to be addressed. You're not going to ignore this problem. The costs are simply too big. The longer you allow a bad hire to stay, the more they will hurt productivity, eat up precious resources, and erode relationships within…
