From the course: Management Tips

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When to walk away from a project

When to walk away from a project

From the course: Management Tips

When to walk away from a project

- Here's a funny reality, people hate failure so bad they often stick with something way past the point the effort was clearly a failure. They believe things will turn around or they just can't walk away from the time and resources they've already invested. Here's the truth. As a manager, you will have projects and initiatives that work out as planned, and you'll have others that don't. A new process, a new tool or resource, a new policy, some work out and some don't. That's true for all of us so it's time to think about how to deal with this reality in a productive fashion. The key is knowing when to throw in the towel. I want you to look for these signs. First, the team is not putting in their typical high level of effort. This usually means the change has gone wrong to the point that it's affecting overall team morale. Another sign is employees not following the rules. For example, in the case of a process change, some people continue doing things the old way. That could mean that…
