From the course: Management Tips

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When there is a bully on your team

When there is a bully on your team

From the course: Management Tips

When there is a bully on your team

- You know what? Life at work is stressful enough without the presence of bullies. I wish they didn't exist, but they do. A bully is a person who consistently acts out in negative ways towards others. Now this might take many forms including, being insulting, being overly critical, withholding information, physical intimidation, or many other unacceptable behaviors. Debate and passion are great and yes on occasion they might produce anger. However, consistent intentional strong negativity is wrong. Let's talk briefly about why bullies even exist. First and foremost they exist because you allow them to exist. I want to ask you to make a decision right now to not look the other way, thus enabling bad behavior. You with or without other members of the team must draw a line and demand a positive work culture. And please don't be blinded by talent. The most common reason people allow the existence of bullies is great talent. I've heard many managers justify bad attitudes, bad…
