From the course: Management Tips

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Using phone etiquette

Using phone etiquette

The telephone is an amazingly useful machine and very easy to use, but believe it or not, people don't always use them effectively. Because we're busy and focused on ourselves, we often use our phones in a manner that's helpful for us, but not necessarily for everyone else. Hopefully you know a few of the basics such as keeping your phone volume low or on vibrate, resisting the urge to use them during meeting or training sessions, and of course, refraining from personal texting while at work. For personal texting, it's best to give yourself one or two times per day you'll step away from your work, say outside or in the cafeteria, and then engage your personal texts. Those are obvious and important. What I really want you to think about is how you interact and respect the person with whom your speaking, and that begins before you even pick up the phone. When you hear the ring, grab a pad of paper and pen so you can be ready to take needed notes without causing a delay while you look…
