From the course: Management Tips

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Understanding organizational politics

Understanding organizational politics

From the course: Management Tips

Understanding organizational politics

Let's get one thing straight. Politics is not a dirty word. Politics is a game that can be played dirty just like any other game but it's not inherently bad. In fact, the reality is just the opposite. Organizational politics is normal, logical and useful. If you try to stay out of politics at work, your career will suffer. If you want to be an effective professional, especially if you aspire to be an effective leader, the goal is not to avoid politics at the office. The goal is to understand how to engage the political process ethically and effectively. Let me state one very needed caveat. The reason politics at work is sometimes stigmatized is because a minority of employees indulge in corruption, manipulation and other seedy behaviors. They deserve their stigma. You're not going to be like them. Instead you'll engage organizational politics positively by learning to master three core tactics. First, for any major issue at work that you're involved with, learn to get the pulse. What…
