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Tips for dealing with pressure at work

Tips for dealing with pressure at work

From the course: Management Tips

Tips for dealing with pressure at work

- Doesn't it sometimes feel like workloads are always going up, or that there's always some important deadline staring you right in the face? Well, yes, there are no shortages of things at work that conspire to make you feel pressure. Pressure is that periodic feeling of concern about getting things done and the worry you feel about creating work others feel is excellent. Spikes in feeling pressure happen due to new bosses, the unexpected loss of key colleagues, an upset customer, or maybe some form of emergency. If severe or allowed to persist, high pressure will cause you problems. First and foremost, you'll start to experience the symptoms of stress and all the mental and physical challenges that come with that. If you're interested in a longer discussion about managing stress, feel free to check out my course, Managing Stress, right here on LinkedIn Learning. Okay, so when pressure ramps up, we know it will crush creative thought, your ability to focus, and your general…
