From the course: Management Tips

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Three dangerous leadership assumptions

Three dangerous leadership assumptions

From the course: Management Tips

Three dangerous leadership assumptions

Henry Winkler once said that assumptions are the termites of relationships. And I think he was absolutely right. Assumptions are cognitive shortcuts we use to draw quick conclusions, instead of actually thinking consciously and thoughtfully. They're also fast but they can be very dangerous. To be specific, consider these three very common but unproductive assumptions that all leaders should avoid. The first is that developing others isn't your job. Any leader worth their salt will observe opportunities to develop talent. But will they do anything about it? At one end of the spectrum is the leader who feels beholden to no one other than himself. He works hard but expends no effort to help or develop others. He was hired to do his job, not yours. He feels that you're either great in developing yourself or you're not. At the other end of the spectrum are enlightened leaders who know that personal achievement is only part of what makes them a good person and what makes them promotable…
