From the course: Management Tips

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The upside of limited resources

The upside of limited resources

From the course: Management Tips

The upside of limited resources

- You know that old saying, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence? It manifests itself at work in a few different ways. Probably my favorite concerns people who always complain about tiny budgets and limited resources. You've heard them, they claim they can't reach their goals due to poor resources. They can't be creative without more money. They can't lead the market unless they have market leading resources. Turns out they're mostly wrong. It's not cash that creates creativity. In fact, too much cash can make you lazy. The reality of organizational success might surprise you. After you're number one you get complacent. You often spend less thoughtfully and you can become way too bureaucratic. That's why great firms don't always stay on top for too long. So for all of you dreaming of developing your team, stop crying about small budgets and realize the up side of limited resources. A lack of resources very often stimulates a few good things. For example, it makes…
