From the course: Management Tips

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The three strikes rule

The three strikes rule

- Being a manager is hard work. You have goals to chase, decisions to make, resources to fight for, and, of course, performance problems you have to manage. This is one of the toughest things a manager will ever do, and no one has ever trained you to deal with these issues effectively. One really serious type of performance problem is the unpleasant employee: the jerk. They might be bright. They might consistently produce great work, however, they are not well-liked by most of the team, and they are constantly bringing down morale. Maybe they tell off-color jokes, make sexist remarks, or maybe they demean other people; that's a jerk. So what do you do with these toxic employees? Many people err on jumping in too quickly to address the issue, or they choose to ignore the conflict, and hope it just goes away. Both are wrong; you want to be more thoughtful. I want you to try what I call the three strikes rule. When you see or become aware of an interpersonal issue, your intervention must…
