From the course: Management Tips

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The successful contrarian

The successful contrarian

From the course: Management Tips

The successful contrarian

- Some people are just born contrarians. They always seem to have some spirited way to see things different than everybody else. When they look around at work, they see lots of yet-to-be-realized opportunity: change waiting to happen. And, they wanna talk about it. And when they do, they tend to be blunt or matter-of-fact, which can rub people the wrong way. They sometimes give the impression that they're insulting the status quo. Well, that's not how you get people to listen to you. So, if you might be something of a contrarian, let me offer you a few ideas that will help you be heard. The first and most important idea is to have a great track record of success at work. Nothing makes people want to listen to you faster than a history of strong performance. Next: before you speak up to offer your latest contrarian idea, do a little homework, and see if you can find others who feel the way you do. Specifically, think about the power structure where you work: both informal and formal…
