From the course: Management Tips

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The personal thank you

The personal thank you

- You know we get so busy every day we often forget basic things, simple things that are important like delivering a well-earned thank you. In fact we're so connected today electronically that when we do remember to thank someone we just send a standard email. I know a nice email can have an impact but we can do better. Ironically even though technology allows us to communicate with anyone 24/7, the truth is we've become more and more distant. We over-rely on electronic connections and often fail to create real human connections. What's happened over time for many managers is that they've fallen into a pattern of always doing the same thing with no real creativity or heart. We just send the same old thank you email or give the ceremonial fist bump in a team meeting, or maybe we give out a spot award such as a gift card. That's going to change right now. Let's think about what it means to deliver an effective personal thank you. To be clear, I'm referring here to a time when someone…
