From the course: Management Tips

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The difference between creativity and innovation

The difference between creativity and innovation

From the course: Management Tips

The difference between creativity and innovation

- In everyday conversation you often hear people use the terms creativity and innovation as if they're the same. In reality they're different but complimentary concepts. Creativity is the production of novel and useful ideas by an individual or team. Innovation is the process of trying to get value out of these ideas. One is about the engine of coming up with possibilities, and the other is about vetting, improving and testing things in order to make possibilities become realities. The creative types tend to be more into ideas, upsetting the status quo trying new things and taking risks. People who fit more innovative roles tend to be more into refining ideas, understanding risks and constraints, and learning about how far we can push without causing problems internally or with our customers. To be clear I'm not talking about places in the organization such as new product development versus accounting, I'm talking about every area of the company being comprised of both types. Sure in…
