From the course: Management Tips

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Telling someone how they are viewed by others

Telling someone how they are viewed by others

From the course: Management Tips

Telling someone how they are viewed by others

- It's easy as a coach to give praise and advice but it's much more difficult giving feedback that will be viewed as negative, critical, or non-affirming. For example, imagine you have a colleague who while being skilled at their job isn't liked interpersonally by many people at work but they're completely unaware of it. This leads them to attempt to over invest in interacting with certain colleagues when in fact, they should be interacting less or trying to actually address any damage they may have inadvertently created. Let's imagine you're their boss and you two have a good relationship. You watch them unintentionally rub others the wrong way for months. They're unaware of it and you need to intervene. What do you do? Here are a few thoughts that might help. First, schedule a meeting in private. Actually putting the meeting on the books formally elevates the importance of the discussion. Don't tell them why you wish to chat just tell them you have some performance ideas about the…
