From the course: Management Tips

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Surviving the loneliness of leadership

Surviving the loneliness of leadership

From the course: Management Tips

Surviving the loneliness of leadership

There are many positive outcomes associated with being in a formal leadership role. They include higher pay, higher status, sometimes the adulation of others and increased power that you can use to push the organization forward. However, what many people don't realize,until they enter the leadership ranks, is that it's not always about positive outcomes. Leadership is difficult. You have to make tough decisions with imperfect data and limited resources. You won't be loved by everyone all the time. When you make decisions, there will always be people who support you and others who don't support you. As you climbed your career ladder, this becomes more and more true, which is why people often talk about the loneliness of leadership. The higher you rise up in the pyramid, the more it's possible to feel isolated, alone and unsupported. It's a simple numbers game. The higher you go, the fewer peers you have and the larger the number of people below you, who don't fully understand what it's…
