From the course: Management Tips

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Surviving as an introvert

Surviving as an introvert

From the course: Management Tips

Surviving as an introvert

- There are many facets of personality you should probably read about and think about, but likely the most popular and immediately useful concerns extroversion and introversion. An extrovert feels most alive and engaged when there's a lot going on, lots of stimuli. Think noise, phones ringing, people talking, going to meetings, and so on. They like to speak up and engage and very often work out what they're thinking while they are speaking. In contrast, an introvert is most comfortable and engaged in lower stimuli environments. In the middle of a busy office they tend to not talk so that they can observe and process information. So, yes, I'll admit it, work is often dominated by extroverts. If you're introverted, you need to hear me. You can build the skills you need to thrive at work even if you're surrounded by loud extroverts. Here are a few tips that can make all the difference. First and most importantly, find quiet space where you won't be interrupted and use it daily. It might…
