From the course: Management Tips

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Structuring an effective presentation

Structuring an effective presentation

From the course: Management Tips

Structuring an effective presentation

- Have you ever been given a presentation, and while you're speaking you realize it's just not going well? That's a really bad feeling. It doesn't have to be that way if you know how to approach your task. When you're given a presentation, and there are many variables to consider, including the location and physical setup, technical considerations with the audio and visual equipment, and how well you actually deliver the information you with to share. However, none of that matters if the information you're sharing isn't viewed as interesting and useful. So, let's talk a bit about the faces of a typical professional presentation just to be sure you get each part right. I'll start by reminding you that every good presentation has a clear beginning, middle, and end. That's true of a good movie, book, or story and it's true of any good presentation. Let's start with the beginning. Don't make the mistake of starting with an overview or a gender for the presentation. That might be useful…
