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Storytelling at work

Storytelling at work

Most leaders understand the importance of great communication skills. However, many have yet to discover the single strongest communication mechanism ever created, the story. All leaders should be good storytellers because stories help information stick in you brain more effectively. They bring a message to life. Consider this example. I could tell you to be careful, and never allow your pursuit of efficiency or effectiveness to harm your pursuit of the other, because we need both. Or, I could help you see that point more clearly by sharing this story. So I was teaching a graduate leadership course one night. Talking about the unexpected downside of systems created to help us be more efficient. You see while certain systems have helped us create more efficient processes, they've also inadvertently sacrificed a little effectiveness. They can sometimes be shortsighted and inhibit needed change. So, I'm in the middle of delivering this lecture and a man in the class started laughing, a…
