From the course: Management Tips

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Stimulating group learning

Stimulating group learning

From the course: Management Tips

Stimulating group learning

- A lot of people like to talk about learning these days. It's become one of the most popular personal and organizational mantras. In your career, you focus on learning when working on different credentials. You profess your love of it when trying to get hired, and hopefully you're evaluated in some fashion at work for your learning-related efforts. Okay, but let's be honest. Do you really back up all that talk with useful behaviors? Maybe, maybe not, but here's the good news. The basics are pretty straightforward. We just have to shift the focus a little from individuals to the group. Here are three quick ideas to get you started. First, think about group norms and values. When used properly, these shape behavior even more powerfully than rules and regulations. Norms are informal behavioral tendencies. For example, we treat each other with respect. We show up on time, and we always produce high-quality work. Values are characteristics we wish to embody, things like integrity and…
