From the course: Management Tips

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Start, stop, change

Start, stop, change

- I'd like to share with you a classic management thinking exercise. I call it start, stop, change. When a team of professionals has become too comfortable censoring conversation, keeping ideas to themselves, and accepting the status quo, an activity like this can be very useful. The idea is simple. Have each participant imagine what it would be like to be in charge. Tell them, you're the boss. What you say happens. If you were the boss, and you really wanted to improve how your team functions, what would you do? What one thing might you start doing or have the team do? What might you stop doing? What might you continue but need to change? There is no perfect target for change. You simply want to think about low hanging fruit to begin. That means a change that is relatively easy to pull off. So your people are welcomed to think about policies and rules, resources, or specific interpersonal behaviors that need to change. The goal of the exercise is to identify overlapping areas about…
