From the course: Management Tips

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Speaking to be heard

Speaking to be heard

Have you ever heard someone say that it's not what you say, but how you say it? First of all, what you say does matter a lot. But the other part, how you say things, has a huge impact as well. So, it's not just the words you speak, it's whether you're speaking to be heard. There are many tactics you can use to add more impact to the things you say. Spend a little time researching and you'll quickly find many books, blogs and articles that can help. For right now, however, let me share with you three easy-to-use strategies that will help you step up to the next level. The first is a classic you can never underestimate, know your audience. As a professional, you might address many different types of people, peers, employees who work for you, your boss or other leaders in the company, customers, vendors and so on. Every group has different ways of communicating, and if you want to be heard, you have to know how they want to hear. It's not hard. Start by watching how they communicate and…
