From the course: Management Tips

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Signs of team dysfunction

Signs of team dysfunction

From the course: Management Tips

Signs of team dysfunction

- All teams, even the great ones, often face challenges, periods of time when everyone finds it harder to work together effectively to create great work. It might seem like last year we were very productive, but now, well, things feel more difficult. There are several ways a team might become dysfunctional, and usually, there are multiple reasons. Contributing factors might include burnout, personnel changes, a loss of key resources, or unexpected changes in the market. Let's be clear, dysfunction refers to a deterioration in the ability to perform effectively as a team, and it takes a few different forms. The first is social distance. That might manifest as showing up to work late or leaving early, missing meetings, participating less in office conversations, or simply an increase in people keeping to themselves. The next quite difficult sign is social strife. In this case, you might see colleagues arguing, an increase in unproductive office gossip or rumors, more use of blaming when…
