From the course: Management Tips

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Signs of a toxic workplace

Signs of a toxic workplace

From the course: Management Tips

Signs of a toxic workplace

- We've all been there. You're at work, not really happy and not feeling motivated. The question is, are you just having a bad day or are you starting to feel the burden of working in a toxic workplace? Now, if it is toxic, you might wonder how that happened. There really are many possibilities. For example, a history of low performance expectations, a workplace where jerks are allowed to grow and multiply. Or maybe it's one or two unpleasant executives who have infected the entire place. Who knows. In any case, you'll know you're working in a toxic workplace when you see these signs. First, the top boss is consistently negative and narcissistic. The chief is supposed to be the chief cheerleader, but we all know that isn't always true. If this person publicly demeans others on a regular basis or talks about themselves endlessly, that's a problem. Next, you hear employees engage in endless complaining. This is a classic. The more you hear people moaning, the more you know something is…
