From the course: Management Tips

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Selling your ideas

Selling your ideas

Have you ever heard someone say that they could never be in sales? They act like sales is somehow dishonest. And equates them, with the stereotype of a used car salesman. That's unfortunate, because selling is a fundamental skill in life. It's a form of persuasion successful people should use all the time. Here's one great example. If you have strong career ambitions, one huge part of getting ahead is making positive change. Finding things that can be done differently or better, and actually getting people to listen to you and help you. That requires you to sell your ideas. As long as you keep striving, you'll be selling. So, let's talk about what it means to successfully sell your ideas at work. Consider these four very useful tactics. First, assess your credibility. Depending on the quality of the idea, you might want to share it with others no matter what your level of credibility. Having said that, the goal is to be as credible as possible. That means, first, having a…
