From the course: Management Tips

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Rethinking the job description

Rethinking the job description

From the course: Management Tips

Rethinking the job description

We've all seen job descriptions. During the process of getting hired, but before they actually hire you, you'll read a list of the general tasks and responsibilities associated with the role for which you are being considered. Typically, you'll see a list of competencies and qualifications needed, and some discussion of the goals to be accomplished for the position. Not to mention any relevant machines or tools to be used, and typically, information about compensation. At most firms, they are very common. At larger firms, human resources personnel expend their ton of energy, completing lengthy job analysis, so they can write a detailed and complete description of the role. When used correctly, job descriptions do offer benefits. These include increasing role clarity. The ability to attract the right candidates. Serving as a quality reference regarding job performance. And providing a reference point for compensation decisions. I'll concede that job descriptions are logical, and…
