From the course: Management Tips

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Retaining top performers

Retaining top performers

From the course: Management Tips

Retaining top performers

Finding great talent can be terribly difficult, then it gets worse. You have to figure out how to retain your top talent and by top talent I'm referring to the top 20% to 30% of your employees. Talent exists in a competitive market. The fact that talent can be so mobile is overall, a good thing that will benefit a well-run team over time. It does however, require you to build relationships and a work environment that are attractive to your top players. Your goal isn't simple bribery, it's to build a team they want to be apart of, in a work place they want to call home. There are many way you can begin improving your top talent retention. Here are four of my favorites. First, study the cases where you failed. Never allow the departure of a highly valued employee to be a cause for tension or a decrease in high quality dialogue. Keep the lines of communication open until the day of departure and beyond. Leading up to the separation a formal exit interview should be completed along with…
