From the course: Management Tips

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Restarting a stalled project

Restarting a stalled project

From the course: Management Tips

Restarting a stalled project

We've all been there. You start a project with the best of intentions. You have the right team, clear goals, good resources, and a nice plan. Then reality happens. No matter how well you plan, you can't plan for everything. So sometimes progress stalls. It might be due to faulty decisions on your part. It could be due to environmental factors outside of your control. In any case, you'll know when it's happening. Too many red flags will start to pop up. Whether that's missed numbers or a lack of reporting. When this happens to you, I want you to be thoughtful about how you deal with this sticky situation. Consider these steps. First, call a meeting and invite the project manager. Here, I'm assuming that's you. All team members and all other key stakeholders, who have either been contributing to the project or were the expected recipients of the project's work. As the leader, you have to announce that the project has derailed. You must state that ultimately, that's on you, because the…
