From the course: Management Tips

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Reinforcing ethics

Reinforcing ethics

- With a little candor and hard work you can create an ethical work place you can be proud of. Now, I'm not naive. I know that among the multitude of work places on the planet, some are more consistently ethical than others. In case that's a concern for you, allow me to share just a little about what it means to support ethics and integrity at work. There are three fairly common initial answers to work place ethics. Senior leaders modeling the right behaviors. Good ethics training. And, anonymous feedback channels. Let's start with senior leaders. A lot really does depend on what members of the senior management team say, and do. And, how they respond to what others say and do. Their example matters. When people see the top leaders in the organization behaving admirably, they follow suit. When they see top leaders act in suspect ways loyalty erodes. And the likelihood that employees will also act poorly, increases. Ethics training is also very important. Some observers don't think you…
