From the course: Management Tips

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Questioning competency models

Questioning competency models

From the course: Management Tips

Questioning competency models

Competency modeling is the process of determining the specific skills that are characteristic of high performance and success in a given job. It's a behavioral job description. Once you get this profile in hand, there are many ways it can be used in an organization. We use competency based interviews, competency based leadership development, competency based performance reviews, competency based succession planning and the list goes on and there is a good reason for this approach. Using a competency model helps us stay focused on traits and skills that lead to success. They're very useful because they give us a common vocabulary. But most importantly, research suggests they help us make better decisions. Companies build these models in a variety of ways. But most include a combination of surveys, focus groups, interviews and archival data analysis. Even though they use the same types of tools keep in mind every organization is different. So, competency models do vary from one…
