From the course: Management Tips

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Pushing your limits

Pushing your limits

Let's be clear. Reaching your potential isn't about setting your goals and then reaching them. It's about setting increasingly challenging goals. So challenging that you'll reach some, and fail to reach others. It's not until your best efforts start to come up short that you begin to understand your limits. And knowing your limits is useful, if you want your long term career planning to be anything more than guesswork. So, consider these tried and true ways to step up game and push your limits. First, agree to take on a little more than you actually think is reasonable. Don't set yourself up for failure, but intentionally stretch just a little bit. If you think that with hard work, it's reasonable to be promoted within three years, set a goal for two, or maybe two and a half. Pushing past your limits means creating and tackling increasingly more difficult challenges. Without stretching intentionally, you're begging to keep running in place. Next. I want you to remember, that you don't…
