From the course: Management Tips

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Psychology tips for managers

Psychology tips for managers

From the course: Management Tips

Psychology tips for managers

- One perspective on life is that life is just a long series of decisions we make. I think that's accurate, but it's also odd since we spend so little time thinking about our ability to make decisions and the quality of our decisions. As it turns out, we consistently make many cognitive errors that are mostly invisible to us. Sometimes we think we're making a great decision when in fact we have cognitively compromised ourselves without even knowing it. Now, you can never remove all of these challenging psychological biases from your mind completely, but with a little effort, you can become more aware of them and keep them in check. Let's think about a few very common ones and what to do about them. First up is the confirmation bias. That's when we see what we want to see when reading a situation or looking at a data set. Here's the tip. When you have time, be sure to have a colleague question your approach or assumptions to be sure you're thinking objectively. Another pair of eyes…
