From the course: Management Tips

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Providing purpose

Providing purpose

- If you have a job, I mean something you just do because you need a paycheck, you're probably not that inspired, are you? I mean, is it even reasonable to expect a job to excite you and provide you with a higher sense of purpose? Yes, it is. Let's think about purpose like this. Purpose is a feeling that you're not wasting your time and that your work is adding value to something that matters. It is true that some people are naturally wired to feel purpose. It's also true that some vocations are simply more likely to help you feel purpose. For example, most teachers feel a lot of purpose in their work. But let's be honest. Most people are not wired to feel purpose and most jobs are not clearly purpose filled, and you have to effectively lead all of those people. That's right, the plumbers, the people working on a manufacturing line, and the manager of every boring process or department in the world. What about them? How can you possibly help them feel purpose? Actually, there are…
