From the course: Management Tips

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Predicting challenges

Predicting challenges

What if I told you it was possible to reduce the number of headaches you have at work significantly? By headaches, I'm referring to the times you face unexpected difficulties and challenges, hurdles you have to overcome that you didn't expect. Well you can, if you'll spend more time up front trying to predict when they're going to happen. Whether you're talking about one simple decision, a longer project, or a huge company wide change program, the time to start addressing problems is long before they happen. Before the action begins, there are two things I want you to think about, the quality of the decision itself and all of the people related implications associated with the decision. First, let's think about the content of the decision itself. Ask yourself these basic questions. Will it be affordable? Will it adequately solve the problem? Will it work fast enough? What are the main reasons this choice might fail? And what, if anything, can be done about it? Just the simple act of…
