From the course: Management Tips

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Planning your team-building retreat

Planning your team-building retreat

From the course: Management Tips

Planning your team-building retreat

One very popular way to charge up the troops while learning a few new things, is to have a team building retreat. Now, I know what you're thinking, that's just an excuse to go offsite for a day or two, play some silly games, and forget about work for a while. It's unfortunate, but very often, that's exactly what most team building retreats are. Fun, silly, offsite meetings. It doesn't have to be that way. When planned correctly a team building retreat can have many important benefits including increased camaraderie more productive relationships and more open lines of communication. So let's talk about what it means to plan a highly effective team building retreat. First, gain support and participation from top executives. A retreat that consists of only the normal players in your team without some executive or higher level presence, won't feel as important. One or two members of the leadership team above the rank of everyone else in the group should be present and participating like…
