From the course: Management Tips

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Planning for your next raise

Planning for your next raise

From the course: Management Tips

Planning for your next raise

Why is it that so many people feel they are simply owed a raise since they been on the job for a year, or because they felt like asking for one? I don't know because anything worth having, you need to earn. A raise is no different. You shouldn't simply expect one and you shouldn't randomly ask once in a while. Instead, let's talk about a much more positive path, let's talk about what it means to really earn a raise. First of all, if you're among the strongest performers, you usually don't have to ask for a raise. Management wants to keep great talent, so they'll be more proactive in terms of compensating their superstars. However, I'll admit that bosses are so busy, they don't think about it sometimes. And, often, budgets are so strained, they don't want to think about. Which means, you have to be a little more aggressive trying to secure the raise you deserve. First, don't think about asking for a raise right now. Think about creating a somewhat informal, ongoing dialog about a…
