From the course: Management Tips

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Picking a successful fight at work

Picking a successful fight at work

From the course: Management Tips

Picking a successful fight at work

- Sometimes you know we need to make a certain change at work, yet somehow nobody will talk about it. They might fear a certain manager who they feel won't support the change, or maybe they just fear extra work. Who knows? Nonetheless, if the change really is that important, sometimes you'll need to know how to pick a fight to create needed, positive conflict. Positive conflict refers to speaking up to start a conversation about a change that the team or the organization needs, but, has been avoiding. It might be a change concerting policy. A strategic shift, or maybe a personnel issue, who knows. But the point is, you believe it's important enough to speak up so the group can function at a higher level. If you want to go into a conversation or a meeting and bring up one of these difficult topics, it's best to be thoughtful and plan this out. First, ask yourself, how much social capital you possess. Social capital just refers to how much goodwill you have at work. How strong your…
