From the course: Management Tips

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Overcoming unconscious bias

Overcoming unconscious bias

From the course: Management Tips

Overcoming unconscious bias

- If you've never done it before, let me tell you from personal experience, hiring really good talent is difficult. You have to make big time decisions that will affect the new hire, your team, and your organization for a long time using very little data. One of the big reasons we often get hiring wrong concerns the many unconscious biases that affect how we make decisions. Long term, they have a negative impact on your organization's talent pool and diversity and inclusion. Let me give you just a couple troublesome cognitive biases as examples. One of the most common is about how we tend to like that which looks similar to us. For better or for worse, we often tend to gravitate to our own gender, race, age, and so on. A little understandable, but not productive. Another classic is stereotypes. That's when we see a person and immediately conclude things about them just because of some of their characteristics, again such as age or gender. We have no data, but we already unconsciously…
