From the course: Management Tips

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Offering a needed apology

Offering a needed apology

From the course: Management Tips

Offering a needed apology

Let me start by trying to push you a little. In your career, if you don't feel compelled to offer someone an apology, at least once a year, you're not pushing hard enough. I'm not referring to apologies in response to blatantly bad behavior. We, we don't need more bad behavior. I'm referring to an apology in response to positive conflict, or unintended moments of tension or anger that arise due to different perspectives and personalities. That is completely normal. Your goal isn't to strive for perfect harmony in the team. That only means you're under performing. Great performance requires difficult conversations. And difficult conversations sometimes need to be followed by sincere apologies. So, let's talk about what a good apology looks like. All productive apologies share four important characteristics. First, a great apology is sincere. You can't fake it. You can't give an apology because you think someone expects it. You give an apology because you want to. You feel it's…
