From the course: Management Tips

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Myth of creative genius

Myth of creative genius

From the course: Management Tips

Myth of creative genius

- A lot of people think that if you want to boost the creativity in your team or organization, what you have to do is work hard to find one of the elusive creative people out there and hire them. I'll admit that for any given vocation, there are some very creative people, but the truth is that high creativity is pretty rare, and creative geniuses are almost nonexistent. Focusing on this approach to boosting creativity often blinds us from pursuing the very best approach to boosting creativity, and that's learning how to manage everyone on the team in a manner that maximizes their creative potential. You see, every one of us has a particular level of creative ability in our chosen vocational area. The problem is that we go to work every day and perceive many types of risks associated with actually trying to be creative. So, we choose not to engage our ability in this area. We fear being negatively evaluated for our creative ideas. We fear that others will just see us as causing waves…
